Understanding racism and overcoming the impact of it


Healing from Racial Trauma

Online Workshop

Event date : Saturday 19/02/22 and Saturday 26/02/22

Delivery method: Zoom

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Healing from Racial Trauma

Online Workshop by Mustapha Sheikh

Event date : Saturday 19/02/22 and Saturday 26/02/22

Delivery method: Zoom

Racism is a system of dominance, power, and privilege based on racial group designations . . . where members of the dominant group create or accept their societal privilege by maintaining structures, ideology, values, and behaviour that have the intent or effect of leaving nondominant-group members relatively excluded from power, esteem, status, and/or equal access to societal resources.
Harrell, 2000

Unchecked the trauma of microaggressions and racially motivated encounters can leave one feeling disconnected, unsure of themselves and viscerally affected. This workshop creates definition and clarity around racism, what it is, the impact it has and how to overcome it. The workshops are a weekend session informing attendees on how to use language to connect with their own experiences, the practical exercises are designed to facilitate release and give rise to purpose.

About Mustapha Sheikh

Mustapha Sheikh is Associate Professor of Islamic Thought and Muslim Societies in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds. He is currently Director of the Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies subject area and Co-Director of the Iqbal Centre for Critical Muslim Studies. His areas of expertise include Muslim law and legal theory, Islamic reformist thought, Critical Muslim Studies and Islamic finance. His publications include Ottoman Puritanism and Its Discontents (Oxford University Press) and A Treasury of Ibn Taymiyyah: His Timeless Thought and Wisdom (Kube Publishers)


[email protected]


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