Category: News

Aug 12
Effects of Drug Abuse on Mental Health- How Muslim Youth can Resist Peer Pressure and Make Healthy Choices

International Youth Day is commemorated annually to amplify the voices and aspirations of remarkable young minds- accentuating the challenges they resiliently encounter in their everyday lives, the diverse avenues they can venture towards, and the impactful contributions they can make for our shared world.   As we celebrate International Youth Day, ImamConnect would like to take a […]

Aug 01
Exploring Learning Disabilities in Children: Enhancing Outcomes and Maximizing Potential through a Strong Coach-Parent Partnership

Every child is remarkable, with distinct abilities, unique gifts and talents, and untapped potential waiting to be unlocked or unraveled. While for some children, the journey of education is all about competing with their peers and pursuing their dreams, for others, it is marked with hurdles due to learning disabilities, making the path to success […]

Jul 17
Exploring Gender Roles and Balancing Responsibilities- The Role of Marital Counselling in Deepening Emotional Connections

A thriving marriage is anchored upon the pillars of mutual respect, love, compromise, compassion and equality. The strength of this intricate relationship hinges on partners tactfully navigating their gender roles and responsibilities, while finding a shared middle ground to stand by each other's side through thick and thin. At ImamConnect, we empower couples to explore […]

Jun 16
Empowering men of faith to dismantle constricted ideals of masculinity- Prioritizing mental well-being above all

For most Muslim men, opening up about their mental health issues is not a mere question mark on their masculinity, but rather a never-ending and vicious cycle of raising their voice against societal expectations and deeply-rooted stereotypes.   Research reveals that Muslim men are twice as likely to commit suicide as those of other faith and non-faith […]

Aug 20
I'm No Carl Rogers but My Method Works! - Marriage Counsellor Edris Khamissa

A Dead End The wife had no affection for her husband and their child. The husband could have left his wife then but plucked up enough courage to seek a counsellor’s help instead. Edris said, “I could see that he was putting in a lot of effort to save the marriage.” “Upon speaking to the […]

Jul 30
Dream Interpretation: Between Fantasy and Reality – Sheikh Abdullah Salih

“I share this service now publicly after many years of getting feedback from people saying how their relationship with family members and others have been fixed or improved. Sometimes the interpretations are about averting problems which is a great gift. And we saw this with Prophet Joseph.” - Sheikh Abdullah Salih You wake up from […]

Jul 30
Some Coaching Might Fix “My children are having issues with authority” - Nabila Hoda

Raising children in the modern world It takes a village to raise a child. But urban or modern parents nowadays do not have that entourage privilege. Nevertheless whatever the makeup at home, parenting remains a challenge. Nabila Hoda, Parent and Child Coach at ImamConnect, emphasizes that every generation must raise their children sensitive to the […]

Jul 29
Book a CMC Graduate Here on ImamConnect

The world we live in today is complex to navigate through even for those learned in the Deen. Without a doubt, many of the great Islamic seminaries in the Muslim world offer an excellent grounding in the traditional sciences. However, in order to be able to function effectively as a Muslim community leader in the […]

Jul 28
Only the Crazy or Possessed Seek Counselling? - Counsellor Mahdi Ahmed

“Only the crazy or possessed seek counselling” and “Muslims who are strong in faith will not need counselling” – these are popular myths that need to be addressed as they prevent many who need counselling from benefitting from it. Society at large needs to step away from stigmatising those who seek counselling and understand that […]

Apr 30
Get Pre Marital Advice: Start The Journey Right - Imam Asim Hafiz MA OBE

Marriage is like sailing a boat for an adventure, with two key people in it. Amidst strong wings, one may have to set the sail, while the other tries to steer the wheel. It is essential to have the right mindset, knowledge and preparation before they decide to tie the knot. Imam Asim Hafiz MA […]