List of Ustadhas for Qur'anic Studies

One of the most popular services on demand on ImamConnect is for Qur'anic studies. The following is a list of ustadhas that provide lessons online. If you're looking for male ustadhs instead, do click here.

Ustadha Wan Nadia

Ustadha Wan Nadia is currently managing WANS Education 21 and also one of the Board of Directors of Al-Zuhri Institution. She has been teaching the Qur'an since the age of 17 to her community in Singapore and regionally.

Juwairiya Ahmed

Juwairiya Ahmed is a professional Qur'an teacher with many years of experience and has taught children and adults with various abilities and needs. She's also a wet cupping (hijaama) and massage therapist.

Ustadha Arwa Khallad

Ustadha Arwa Khallad is competent in Tajweed for children and women from non-Arabic speaking backgrounds and ijaza for teachers seeking to teach tajweed. She even offers ijaza to tajweed teachers looking to teach the science.

Zaakira Jamal

Zaakira Jamal is a teacher of Quran and basic Islamic Studies focusing mainly on the younger aged generation. A mother of two little children, whilst teaching she is still actively pursuing lessons to improve her own knowledge of the Qur'an.

Raudhatus Syifa

Raudhatus Shifa is a teacher based in Kuala Lumpur who actively have classes in the Klang Valley with the English, Malay and Indonesian speaking communities. Homeschooled since she was 14, she's also pursuing a Diploma in Islamic Management upon her 2018 return from a madrasah in Yemen.





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