How Do Service Providers Obtain DBS and/or Criminal Background Checks?

Service Providers Based in The United Kingdom

There are several types of DBS checks available in the UK, depending upon the services provided and who they are for. A complete list can be found here and if you’re not sure which one is needed, then please use this tool.

A Basic DBS Check can be arranged by any Service Provider based in the UK. They can apply for it  themselves through the official government website. Alternately, if a previous employer has conducted a DBS Check previously, then it may be possible to ask them for a valid copy.

An Enhanced DBS Check with Barred List Check is required by all Service Providers working in the education sector or anyone working with children or vulnerable adults. An enhanced DBS check must be done by an employer. If this is not possible, then ImamConnect advises Service Providers to use their recommended organisation to apply.


Service Providers Based In The United States

Requirements for Criminal Record Checks in the USA vary depending upon which state the Service Provider is based in. Visit this site for further instructions on how to apply.

Service Providers may also be able to obtain a copy of their valid Criminal Record Check from their previous employer and submit that to ImamConnect.


Service Providers Based In Canada

Service Providers in Canada can visit this website to learn more about the process of obtaining a Criminal Background, Police Information or Vulnerable Sector Check, depending upon the services they provide and the people they provide them too.

Service Providers Based In The Rest Of The World

For all other parts of the world, ImamConnect directs Service Providers to use this tool in order to learn how to obtain a Police Certificate in their specific country.


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