ImamConnect FAQ

Safety is a primary concern for ImamConnect and we’ve done a lot of work to ensure you and your information stays protected. We vet each service provider by means of a comprehensive application process, which includes a DBS/Criminal Background check. Additionally, we encourage providers to provide references and maintain space for robust and honest reviews. Our safe messaging platform means….. Read More »

Once you have messaged the Service Provider and an adequate time and date has been established you can book their services by clicking the Book Now button.

You will have full access to the Service Provider according to whichever medium you both decide on. This could include setting up a video call online, a phone conversation, or an in person meeting.

As each Service Provider is different it would be impossible to place a definite time frame on responses. However, our dedicated customer service team is here to both follow up with the Service Provider you have contacted as well as suggest other Service Providers who may be better suited to your needs.

ImamConnect screens all Service Providers for authenticity, reliability and safety. Once a Service Provider signs up to ImamConnect, the services they offer are checked and based on this, they are assigned one of three screening levels: Basic, Intermediate or Enhanced. Basic Screening includes identity confirmation and authenticating testimonials and/or referrals from previous institutions or customers. Intermediate Screening includes all aspects….. Read More »

Joining, searching, or offering services costs nothing and in fact, can save you both time and money as the platform provides you all necessary information in once place,  like background checks, detailed profile information, availability and a list of transparent rates. Like other online marketplaces, ImamConnect takes a standard agreed upon fee from the money paid to the provider.

While the ImamConnect process aims to facilitate easy and successful connections, we recognise that sometimes, things may not progress as planned. It is for this reason, we back both customers and providers with a dedicated customer service team. Contact us at any time in the process if something feels off or you encounter anything other than a positive, stress-free experience…… Read More »
ImamConnect screens all Service Providers for authenticity, reliability and safety. Once a Service Provider signs up to ImamConnect, the services they offer are checked and based on this, they are assigned one of three screening levels: Basic, Intermediate or Enhanced. Basic Screening includes identity confirmation and authenticating testimonials and/or referrals from previous institutions or customers. Intermediate Screening includes all aspects….. Read More »
As a person seeking specific Muslim services, ImamConnect aims to easily and conveniently connect you with reliable, trustworthy providers at any time of night or day – no more waiting around for someone to get back to you with options or contact information. A simple interface and clear lists of categories and qualifications make your search fast and effective. Transparent….. Read More »
ImamConnect is open to anybody searching for or offering Muslim services at any stage of life, from religious instruction, wedding planning, counselling, funeral services, writing wills, inheritance matters and more. As a customer, join and begin connecting with qualified providers within minutes. As a provider, you will be asked to complete our straightforward but comprehensive application process. Your application will….. Read More »

Yes, absolutely. Once you join ImamConnect, your online dashboard will guide you to the different sections of your profile, one as a customer and one as an approved provider. Choose the one you need and start connecting.