Mufti. Ustadha. What do all these titles mean?

Mufti? Ustadha? Imam?

Below are honorific titles used by Muslims to refer to the different members of its broad community. This statement is not intended to dictate honorifics of any other institute. You may find some of these titles used by Service Providers on ImamConnect on their own accord or the community a Service Provider comes from and not dictated by ImamConnect.

Shaykh or Shaykha (Sh.)

This title is used for a man or woman who has graduated from an institute of higher Islamic learning (such as but not limited to the Qalam Alimiyyah program) and has multiple years of experience in both community work and teaching.


This title is used for a man or woman who has graduated from an institute of higher Islamic learning (such as but not limited to the Qalam Alimiyyah program) and has received a license to give legal Islamic rulings (fatwa, pl. fatawa).

Ustadh or Ustadha (Ust.)

This title is used for a man or woman who has graduated from an institute of higher Islamic learning (such as but not limited to the Qalam Alimiyyah program) and is beginning their journey of community work and teaching.

This title may also be used for a man or woman who is a certified specialist in a particular field of Islamic studies, without having graduated from an institute of higher Islamic learning (such as but not limited to the Qalam Alimiyyah program).


This title is used for a man who has graduated from an institute of higher Islamic learning (such as but not limited to the Qalam Alimiyyah program) and serves as the leader of a community in the official capacity of Imam.

Brother or Sister (Br. or Sr.)

This title is used as a term of respect for a man or woman who is a member of the Qalam team.


- Source Qalam Institute


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