International Women’s Day is more than just a celebration of the indomitable spirit of women worldwide; it stands as a testament to their extraordinary contributions to society, their strength in the face of adversaries, and the multiple hats they adorn throughout their lives with grace and confidence.
When they take center stage as a homemaker or caregiver, they not only tend to the physical and emotional needs of their loved ones but also manage the day-to-day mundane affairs to make their home a sanctuary of peace, comfort, and solace.
Upon joining the workforce, they contribute not only their skillset, knowledge, and expertise to propel their organizations to new heights but also carry the weight of financial responsibilities to support their partners and parents.
Yet, their contributions extend beyond these roles. They are loving daughters, affectionate sisters, compassionate mothers, supportive friends, and selfless mothers.
Tips to balance health and career demands
Amidst navigating the challenges and demands of these diverse roles, women tend to overlook their own needs, causing a toll on their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Long hours, never-ending stress, and the relentless effort to maintain equilibrium between familial life and work responsibilities lead to anxiety, burnout, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and a weakened immune system. Here are a few practical tips to balance health and career demands.
Learn the art of separating your work-related duties or tasks from your personal undertakings; for that, you must set clear boundaries. Set designated work hours and communicate them with your manager, colleagues, and family to avoid confrontations.
Draw out a daily schedule filled with complete details about your work and personal activities, such as dining out with family, picking up children from school, or exercising. This way, you can keep track of your activities and find yourself in a better spot to say no to unplanned meetings.
Office hours are usually defined; however, working from home can be challenging in terms of tracking your work hours. Set a time to end your work for the day, and power down all work-related devices after that.
Take time off for vacations, sick time, or some ME time. We usually work through illnesses without worrying about their effect on our overall wellbeing. Your health should be your number one priority. Learn to say no.
Love going outdoors? Take some time each day to partake in activities you love, such as walking, exercising, or going out with friends. This will help you to disconnect from work tensions, recharge, and bring renewed energy to work.
Are you struggling with an escalating workload and finding it difficult to balance family commitments and work demands? Being a woman entails its own unique set of challenges, compromises, and sacrifices, but it’s crucial to recognize your limitations.
Mental health coaches, life coaches, and health and wellness coaches at ImamConnect can guide you every step of the way, teaching effective stress management techniques, mindfulness strategies, and coping mechanisms. They can assist you in setting realistic goals, developing effective communication skills, resolving conflicts on family and work fronts, establishing clear boundaries, planning self-care activities, and aligning professional aspirations with personal commitments.
Book a session today and embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth, holistic wellbeing, and leading a more fulfilling and balanced life.